Behind the Lens


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Behind the Lens (softcover)

By Jeannée Sacken


Eight years ago, seasoned photojournalist Annie Hawkins Green barely survived a Taliban ambush that left her military escort dead and a young Afghan girl dying in her arms. Since then, she has managed to suppress her memories of that brutal day-until she returns to Afghanistan to teach a photography workshop at the secondary school for girls run by her expat best friend Darya Faludi. As the Taliban gain prominence in the once peaceful region, Annie’s nightmares from her last time in-country come roaring back with a vengeance. But are they just dreams? The unshakeable feeling of a grim, watchful presence makes Annie think otherwise.

As Annie struggles with her nightmares, more trouble brews with the suspicion that Darya’s teenage daughter is sneaking away at night to meet her shadowy boyfriend. Meanwhile, Annie’s own daughter wages war with her father and stepmother back home, feeding Annie’s all-consuming mom-guilt. Her only comfort, a poetry-writing U.S. Naval officer who saved her life all those years ago, is now at the other end of a satellite phone 7,000 miles away. How can he possibly keep her safe?

How can anyone?

Author Jeannée Sacken is a photojournalist and former English professor who travels the world documenting the lives of women and children. She lives in Shorewood, Wisconsin, with her husband and cat, where she’s hard at work on her next novel also featuring Annie Hawkins Green. Follow Jeannée at

Awards for Behind the Lens

2021 Book of the Year – Fiction, 2021 Best Women’s Fiction

2021 Best Mystery/Suspense, American Writing Awards

2021 Notable Book of the Year, Shelf Unbound

2021 Fourth Quarter, Best Debut Fiction, Winner: Women’s Fiction, Winner: Suspense, Firebird Book Awards

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